Benefits of Mediation
Mediation is a voluntary process that uses a neutral intermediary (the mediator) to facilitate negotiations between conflicting parties who seek to resolve their dispute out of court. This structured process offers meaningful benefits that extend beyond traditional judicial approaches, including:

1. Confidentiality
Confidentiality is the cornerstone of mediation. Unlike court proceedings, which are often open to the public, mediation provides a confidential environment where parties can candidly discuss their concerns with the mediator, who can facilitate exploring potential solutions in private. This not only encourages more candid communication but also protects sensitive information from becoming part of the public record.
2. Empowerment and Control Over the Outcome
Mediation empowers the parties involved to take ownership of the conflict resolution process. Unlike litigation, where decisions are imposed by a judge or jury, mediation allows participants to remain in the driver’s seat at all times and actively shape the outcome of their dispute. This control not only increases satisfaction with the resolution but also ensures that the parties are more likely to adhere to the agreement reached.
3. Preserving Relationships
In the workplace, maintaining positive working relationships is essential for productivity and a healthy work environment. By maintaining a respectful atmosphere, mediation can salvage relationships that would be destroyed during a lawsuit. In adversarial settings like courtrooms, conflicts often escalate and damaging testimony is elicited, leaving participants emotionally scarred and relationships irreparably damaged. Mediation, on the other hand, favors constructive dialogue and active listening. This enables parties to voice their concerns, gain insight into each other's perspectives, and work together toward a mutually satisfactory resolution.
4. Efficiency and Cost
Litigation is time-consuming and financially draining. Mediation offers a more efficient alternative, often resolving disputes in a fraction of the time it takes for court cases to conclude. The streamlined process results in significant time and cost savings for all parties involved. Moreover, by resolving disputes swiftly, mediation enables individuals and organizations to redirect their resources away from the stress of prolonged conflict and towards more productive endeavors.
5. Flexibility and Informality
Mediation is flexible and adaptable to the unique circumstances of each employment dispute. It allows parties to explore creative, outside-the-box solutions that may not be available through the rigid legal process. Further, mediation is less formal than litigation, which can help reduce tension and anxiety, leading to more fruitful negotiations. The result is a solution tailored to the unique needs and priorities of all individuals involved.
6. Neutral Mediator
A skilled mediator, trained in conflict resolution and employment law, can help facilitate productive discussions and guide the parties towards a resolution. This neutrality ensures that both sides have an equal opportunity to express their concerns.
For all these reasons, mediation lends itself especially well to resolving conflict in the workplace. Empower Mediations is here to help you solve your employment disputes in a productive manner.